ruTorrent - Plugins

ruTorrent's features can be extended in many different ways through the use of plugins. Though some more common ones will be installed when installing ruTorrent itself there are lots more that can be added.

Naturally, this guide assumes you know how to install ruTorrent (and have done so). Plugins are also added either via SSH or FTP and you may need to connect to your slot via SSH to configure some plugins. You will be instructed to connect via SSH where this is the case.

This page provides information on the most common custom plugins, how to install them and troubleshooting the most common problems that can arise. Please note though the plugins should work (if you follow the guide properly), Feral cannot provide much support for their use or help should anything go wrong. Please make sure you've read these FAQ pages fully as help on the problem may be covered already.

Table of contents

General method

Plugins can be added to ruTorrent simply by adding its directory to ruTorrent's plugins directory. This is possible in a number of ways, but the easiest is SSH. Since plugins are self-contained in their own directories, you can also just upload this to ruTorrent's plugin directory.

The method described below will pull the plugin from the ruTorrent plugin repository. If the plugin you want is listed under the 'Specific instructions' section please read those instructions first.

Run the following commands to install from the ruTorrent repository, replacing plugin_name with the actual name of the plugin you wish to install:

cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/
git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.10
mv ruTorrent/plugins/plugin_name ./
rm -rf ruTorrent

Unpack example

The following command is an example of this general method used with the unpack plugin:

cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/
git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.10
mv ruTorrent/plugins/unpack ./
rm -rf ruTorrent

Third-party Plugins

Autodl irssi

A separate article covers installing autodl irssi.


Discordpush is a ruTorrent plugin that sends messages on certain events, such as when a torrent is added, deleted or completes. The notification is sent to the a chosen Discord channel.


First you need to install the rutorrent plugin. Execute these commands to obtain and install the plugin to rutorrent:

git clone ~/rutorrent-discord-tmp
mv ~/rutorrent-discord-tmp/discordpush ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/
rm -rf ~/rutorrent-discord-tmp

Obtaining Webhook URL

To allow rutorrent to send Messages through the plugin to Discord servers, you need to obtain a Webhook URL from the Discord API. Here is how it works:

  1. Click on the "Edit Channel" button of the Text Channel you want the messages to appear (you have to own the necessary rights to do so)
  2. Navigate to the "Webhooks" Tab
  3. Click the Button "Create Webhook"
  4. Give the bot a name of your choice and make sure the correct Channel is selected
  5. Copy the Webhook URL at the bottom of the popover, you'll need that to configure the ruTorrent plugin.
  6. Click the Save Button

You may prefer to create your own Discord Guild and enable Desktop notifications to know instantly when you downloaded something.

Configuring the discordpush ruTorrent plugin

Open up (or refresh) your ruTorrent web UI. A "Discord" entry in the settings should appear.

  1. Open the "Discord Notifications" settings menu in ruTorrent
  2. Check "Enabled" at the top of the popup
  3. Enter the Webhook url you copied previously.
  4. Check any or all of the Torrent Events you want to get notified including "Addition" "Deletion" or "Finish"


This plugin will allow you to use Plowshare to upload to various filesharing services via ruTorrent.

As it's not possible to set a path to plowup (Plowshare's uploading software) within the plugin's configuration files you'll need to make sure that plowup is in your PATH. There is a separate guide to help you add the bin directory to PATH.


To install Plowshare execute the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/bin && bash
git clone ~/.plowshare-source && cd ~/.plowshare-source
make install PREFIX=$HOME
cd && rm -rf .plowshare-source

Run this command to install the plowshare modules:

plowmod --install

If you get "command not found" then you need to revisit the preparation steps above because your ~/bin/ directory is not in PATH.

Execute these commands to install the plugin itself:

cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/
svn co

You should then refresh ruTorrent to make sure the plugin can communicate with your plowup binary correctly.


If you get an error ("fileupload: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (plowup)."), make sure that you have taken the steps above to add ~/bin to PATH. Then, kill and restart rTorrent.


This is a plugin to allow you to stream from within ruTorrent. It requires the DivX web player to be installed first on your computer. This guide does not cover that step and for anything other than test streaming something like Plex will probably be a better solution for you.


Mediastream requires Filemanager (see the section above). Install Mediasteam using the following commands:

cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/
svn co


mkdir ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/stream
ln -s ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/mediastream/view.php ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/stream/
sed -i "s|'';|'http://$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/stream/view.php';|g" ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/public_html/rutorrent/plugins/mediastream/conf.php


I get the error "Video cannot be found, it may have been removed"
Please make sure the configuration steps have been followed correctly.